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Chunks of Toraja history preserved in Ke'te' Kesu
Lat. 2°59'46.7"S | Long. 119°54'36.3"E
Ke'te' Kesu serves as a tourism village. Here you can take a closer look at the design of various tongkonan (traditional Toraja house). Tongkonan's design evolved from time to time. This evolution will be explained by our guide using the tongkonan there. Besides learning about this, tourists can purchase various souvenirs at a lower price than those in Rantepao (capital of North Toraja regency).
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The tongkonan complex.
Old tongokonan (Toraja dwellings) in Ke'te' Kesu
The old tongkonan in Ke'te' Kesu.
The number of buffalo horns signifies the position of tongkonan related to other tongkonan.
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Toraja woven cloths.
Numerous buffalo horns in this tongkonan show that it has undergone many rituals.
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Alley of shops that sell souvenirs.
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Our guide, Dalle, tries the war attributes of Kesu.
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Some of the souvenirs there.
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Toraja sculpture in an art shop.
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