Maros, Indonesia (Headquarters and Home Base No. 1)
Tagari, Balusu, North Toraja (Home Base No. 2)
Contact: Dalle
(WhatsApp and Call)
Dalle posed with a tedong (buffalo) in Pasar Bolu, Rantepao. Tedong is the heart of Toraja culture.
Our guide, Dalle, has extensive experience in Toraja's culture and has accumulated experience in the social sector, especially in developing marginal communities. Below is his short profile.​
Graduated as a valedictorian from political science at the University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta in 1986.
Worked for Bina Swadaya (an institution concerned with community empowerment with a national service scope) in Jakarta from 1986-1990 as a field researcher.​​
Became a freelance translator and interpreter for several international and domestic agencies: the University of Guelph's project in Sulawesi, Oxfam, Formasi, and Bina Desa.
Was recruited by the Government of Indonesia (Ministry of National Development Planning) as a civil servant in 1993 with the responsibility of designing poverty alleviation strategies and programs (Inpres Desa Tertinggal or IDT - Program to Develop Rural Areas). He visited many remote areas of the country: Papua, Sulawesi, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Jawa, East Nusa Tenggara, and Bali.
Appointed as the Head of the Division for Tourism Industry Empowerment in the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs from 1994-2011.
Established "Kiastra Magazine" in 2013. Through the magazine, he provided consultancy and strategies from his experience in community development.
Worked with Germany's GIZ (formerly GTZ) as Regional Coordinator in West Kalimantan in 2013. This is a joint project between the government of Indonesia (Bappenas) and GIZ. The main task was coordinating the provincial government, local NGOs, and local banks to train local communities in agriculture and small trading. Specifically:
​Improve GIZ Regional Economic Development (RED) relations and bring the concept and program of regional economic development to the West Kalimantan Governor's attention.​
Inform and coordinate the implementation of the LRED program in West Kalimantan with national sectorial policies and programs.
Provide regular information and coordination of the RED activities with the Provincial Government, especially BAPPEDA (BCS), DISBUNHUT (Pepper), DISPAR (Tourism), and DISPERINDAG (Weaving, Coffee), to ensure alignment of the activities with the Government planning and goals.
Coordinate synergies with other GIZ-supported projects, such as FORCLIME (green economy), DSCGG (inter-district cooperation), and others.
Improve regular visits to the Singbebas region to support activities and maintain relations with the stakeholders in the Singbebas area.
Improve coordination with regard to sectorial policies through joint working groups (civil society, public and private sector.
Coordinate and support international and local expert missions for activities focusing on the provincial level, and provision of follow-up support.
Maintain overview and coordinate the project with key allies, media, political fora, industry, and NGOs, in order to support achievement and objectives.
Co-founded Jalan Jalan Toraja (JJT) with Malindo Wardana in 2016 to preserve Aluk To Dolo. Dalle has worked as JJT's Operations Manager until now.
Dalle's training:
Small-scale irrigation development (National Irrigation Administration, the Philippines; Bina Swadaya in collaboration with the Ford Foundation).
Project Monitoring and Evaluation (Brattleboro, USA; Bina Swadaya in collaboration with the government of Indonesia and USAID).
Planning and Implementing Small Projects for Grassroots Development (Germany; GIZ in cooperation with Bappenas).